Current server time is: Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 11:13:56 EEST
Document last modified: Saturday, 13-Jun-2009 02:15:51 EEST
Total number of hits since Nobember 27, 2005: 853
You can contact me here

Currently there is a need for an account to be able to add/modify/operate on bugs. However, searching and displaying bugs should work just fine without an account.
When asking for an account (use the contact page) plase include the following information:
  • email address to send the login information to
  • your name
  • desired login name
The current setup of bugzilla requires that the user login be the same with the email address. Since this is not a good thing, I am researching for an alternative solution. If you have one, you are welcomed to share :)

Thank you.

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