Welcome to Ciuly's web corner

Current server time is: Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 11:39:40 EEST
Document last modified: Wednesday, 01-Jul-2009 11:36:33 EEST
Total number of hits since July 4, 2005: 2340

Delphi - delphi articles, code snippets, examples and tutorials
GreaseMonkey - Get my grease monkey scripts here. They were written for softpedia forum (IPB) so they will need some adustments to work on other forums..
Tools - usefull tools, mainly for programming
Utilities - many good utilities to have, specifically for windows platform
Diablo 2 - My very own personal Diablo 2 Expansion "fan" page. Will probably grow for trading items.
AntiSpam - Fighting spam get's a new turn with AntiSpam.
Signature Counters - I made a sig count down which you can place in your signature on forums. Available here
Business - I started walking the road to become a "business man". More info here.
Seo and webmaster - SEO & Webmaster corner here.
Currently available sections/services:
  1. SpammAssassin is in the house!!! I hope it runs ok :D If any problems just contact me.
  2. I started adding web bookmarking to the site. Now you can bookmark most or even all pages from site (except forum)
  3. I started to join affiliation programs. More info on my affiliation page.
  4. I started a new "direction" in my online life. See Web projects for more info.
  5. Please read the Privacy policy and then Disclaimer
  6. Find out your IP address here. Usefull for my DC server users when they are detected as clones but don't know what their IP is :)
  7. "News" Page: everything "new" or "update" will be put on that page so that this (main) page remains more or less clean. Read the news.
  8. Links section. I will try to make it look better some time :) Various links to stuff
  9. TODO items (features and content): my todo list
  10. History of site/server changes here
You can access an old page of mine written in 2001 (in romanian only).
Operation "Tidal Wave"
This is about World War II and it covers one of the American bombing attempts made on the Germans in the Balcanies.
Read more here.

The reasons these pages look so bad are:
0) - all are written using JOE or MC's internal editor :D
1) - lack of time from my part
2) - I want to create a totally dynamic site in gnu c (+ maybe using SSI) :D (in progress)
So bare with me for a few months :)

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