Please note that there is a known memory leak issue caused by MS. Read this KB
article: KB893317

I assume the user is familiar with WMI and has already set up his/her machine to compile WMI projects. if not, then check Set Up Delphi For WMI

Also, I assume the user knows how to set up local and remote machines for use with WMI (remoting).

How to set WMI namespace security in Delphi

Not much of an article since I don't have time to write it, so here is the source code.

This will set FULL access on all namespaces for the given username on the local machine.
User must be administrator in order to run this demo.


  • Fixed issue: only sets full access to "this namespace only" (now it does so for "this namespace and all subnamespaces") - files modified: util.pas/dcu

This was written using some information from other sites/people. Following are some of the url's that helped (from what I remember):



I will try to cover everything needed in time.

Source Code