Current server time is: Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 10:14:56 EEST
Document last modified: Saturday, 13-Jun-2009 02:15:51 EEST
Total number of hits since January 17, 2006: 2038
Please read this section before using and/or downloading anything from this site. Disclaimer

  • 02.04.2009: DC (Direct Connect) Service has been stopped
  • 30.03.2009: Server has a new HDD. read more here
  • 24.06.2008: contact form now use the DB for storing messages. It's much more reliable now :)
  • 15.06.2008: installed and setup awstats
  • 02.04.2008: moved to new location, changed ISP, and finally got a rDNS
  • 18.02.2008: beeing a big diablo fan (the game from blizzard), I thought I'd start sharing my items with people and also get new ones :D. My page is here
  • 10:01:2008: a while ago I started writing greasemonkey scripts to aid me on softpedia forum. Now I am makign them publicky available here
  • 19.11.2007: changed google ads from banners to text links and removed vertical ad on delphi section only
  • 14.11.2007: added paypal donate button sitewide
  • 26.10.2007: added email banning to the phpdl script from my web directory
  • 06.10.2007: move the business page to it's own directory: here
  • 15.09.2007: upgraded mysql from 4.0 to 4.1. Details on forum
  • 14.09.2007: is also officially out of my system.
  • 10.08.2007: is now officially out of my system.
  • 01.08.2007: installed SpamAssassin and cofigured XMail to use it. Hopefully it runs ok :D
  • 27.07.2007: banlist now has automatically updated spammer IP addresses here
  • 20.07.2007: Sig count down. Get your here
  • 23.05.2007: Started to add web bookmarking.
  • 22.05.2007: Corrected automatic sitemap generation. Now using linklint+google sitemapgen, modified (will be available on webmaster corner)
  • 09.05.2007: Added site to monitoring
  • 22.03.2007: Bought an Apollo Power 1065F (650VA) UPS.
  • 06:03.2007: Changed site structure: all pages have the same stylesheet file now. Multiple SSI includes are making pages more alike. Integrated Google Adsense.
  • 05.03.2007: Joined Google AdSense program.
  • 02.03.2007: Webmaster & SEO corner here
  • 02.03.2007: Put up a forum (phpbb2) here
  • 24.02.2007: Started joining affiliation programs. More info here
  • 23.02.2007: Started web projects
  • 12.02.2007: Privacy Policy, first draft here
  • 01.02.2007: Submitted Delphi section to some web directories.
  • 31.01.2007: Added site to google-analitycs and
  • 31.01.2007: Added page for viewing your IP address here
  • 17.10.2006: Fixed web message/email issue.
  • 17.10.2006: Added Utils section available here
  • 18.09.2006: Added known issues list available here
  • 23.04.2006: Finished moving the server to the new PC.
  • 22.04.2006: DC Hub address changed from to dchub://
  • 14.04.2006: Started hardware upgrade. Changed the old PII 266 MHz 64 MB RAM to PIII 500MHz 256 MB RAM
  • 09.04.2006: Small changes in site layout: changed index page and added news page. Started new "Tools" section.
  • 27.03.2006: Upgraded contract with ISP to have an extra 64 kbps upload bandwith starting from 1st of May. Will add the extra bandwith to the DC server at that time.
  • 22.03.2006: ISP reduced upload bandwidth from 386 kpbs to 128 kbps. I had to put a shaper on the DC server which is now limited to use a 64 kbps bandwidth for upload.
  • 23.02.2006: Enhanced notification for server messages sent through the contact page script (now displays sent message)
  • 21.01.2006: Reinstalled: MySql server, perl mysql module. (bugzilla online again)
  • 19.01.2006: Added notification for server messages sent through the script
  • 17.01.2006: Initial draft of document

TODO items (features and content): see here

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